Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

My mom's birthday is today. Last night, we had her and my dad over for a grill out and (of course!) birthday cake. The kids really wanted to make her cake on their own, so we set out yesterday morning to do just that. We had lessons in washing hands, measuring ingredients, and being safe in the kitchen (a hand mixer can be a deadly weapon). I was supposed to take pictures, but with three kids, cake batter, and various kitchen utensils (did I mention a hand mixer?) the camera simply did not make it into the equation. I did, however, get a great picture of the kids with Grammy & Pop and another one of the baked masterpiece up close. We may be opening a cake baking shop next week...

We had such a nice time! It was great to be able to celebrate such a special day with my mom. What a wonderful role model for me to attempt to pattern my motherhood after! If my children only think half as highly of me as I do my mother, I will be honored. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!

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